There’s two campaigns – one that revolves around the Decepticons and the other around the Autobots. The story is set on the planet Cybertron. I’m glad I nabbed this on Steam when I did because the Transformers games were eventually pulled from digital storefronts. In addition to playing through the story mode cooperatively, I also played through it solo. We did download and use a modified configuration file which is supposed to improve graphical and audio fidelity.

Jeremy and I were looking for some LAN games to play and we initially thought War for Cybertron supported LAN and discovered it does not but we decided to play it anyway. I’ve been itching to play it for a while. A game about giant robots running around shooting each other and transforming into different vehicles and aircraft, what’s not to like? Developed by High Moon Studios and published by Activision, Transformers: War for Cybertron was released for PC, PlayStation 3, and Xbox 360 in June, 2010. I first gained interest in the franchise when I saw clips of Transformers: War for Cybertron.

It all began with a toy line in the eighties that spawned shows, films, and games. I heard that a lot growing up but was never really interested in the franchise.