Loggy - Linux Advanced Logcleaner v.3.0 Loggy is a Linux Advanced Logcleaner and a tool to hide you in a linux machineby cleaning or modifing the intruder's ip from all the logfiles in /varbin and txt logs it find logs, with a recursive search in /var/log and a lot of fantastic.

AsteriskPNX IP PBX v.1.4.1 PNX system develops the middle-ware source code to glue Asterisk with a number of powerful telephony products such as: 1) OpenH323 H.323 stack 2) Vovida SIP stack 3) Bayonne Voice Automation Platform The advantages? An advanced IP PBX supporting the.Angry IP Scanner for Linux v.3.0-beta5 Angry IP scanner is fast and friendly network scanner for Windows, Linux, and Mac.