MoonGorilla Karol Rzadczyk, Jana Kazimierza 13/34, Warsaw, Poland.VAT number: PL or its subsidiaries, affiliates, and suppliers (collectively 'Moon Gorilla') own intellectual property rights in the Software Product.

This Software Product is protected by copyright laws and treaties, as well as laws and treaties related to other forms of intellectual property. This copy of Coolorus v 2.x ('the Software Product') and accompanying documentation is licensed and not sold. It saves time, and helps you choose better colors thanks to Color Schemes, Gamut Lock and the power of triangle HSV representation.Coolorus 2.5 is compatible with Adobe ® Photoshop ® CC 2014.2.2 and above on Windows and Mac.Coolorus 2.0 is compatible with Adobe ® Photoshop ® and Flash Professional ® CS5 and CS6 on Windows and Mac. Coolorus 2 Color Wheel.Coolorus is a color wheel plugin for Adobe ® Photoshop ®, inspired by Corel ® Painter ® color picker.Coolorus is the right choice for creative people willing to improve their painting workflow.